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- A Span-Based Model for Joint Overlapped and Discontinuous Named Entity Recognition
- Locate and Label: A Two-stage Identifier for Nested Named Entity Recognition
- Nested Named Entity Recognition via Explicitly Excluding the Influence of the Best Path
- Discontinuous Named Entity Recognition as Maximal Clique Discovery
- A Unified Generative Framework for Various NER Subtasks
- Subsequence Based Deep Active Learning for Named Entity Recognition
- Few-NERD: A Few-shot Named Entity Recognition Dataset
- Named Entity Recognition with Small Strongly Labeled and Large Weakly Labeled Data
- Weakly Supervised Named Entity Tagging with Learnable Logical Rules
- Leveraging Type Descriptions for Zero-shot Named Entity Recognition and Classification
- Learning from Miscellaneous Other-Class Words for Few-shot Named Entity Recognition
- MECT: Multi-Metadata Embedding based Cross-Transformer for Chinese Named Entity Recognition
- A Large-Scale Chinese Multimodal NER Dataset with Speech Clues
- An End-to-End Progressive Multi-Task Learning Framework for Medical Named Entity Recognition and Normalization
- A Neural Transition-based Joint Model for Disease Named Entity Recognition and Normalization
- Modeling Fine-Grained Entity Types with Box Embeddings
- Ultra-Fine Entity Typing with Weak Supervision from a Masked Language Model
- SpanNER: Named Entity Re-/Recognition as Span Prediction
- Improving Named Entity Recognition by External Context Retrieving and Cooperative Learning
- Modularized Interaction Network for Named Entity Recognition
- BERTifying the Hidden Markov Model for Multi-Source Weakly Supervised Named Entity Recognition
- De-biasing Distantly Supervised Named Entity Recognition via Causal Intervention
- Crowdsourcing Learning as Domain Adaptation: A Case Study on Named Entity Recognition
- LNN-EL: A Neuro-Symbolic Approach to Short-text Entity Linking
- CIL: Contrastive Instance Learning Framework for Distantly Supervised Relation Extraction
- How Knowledge Graph and Attention Help? A Qualitative Analysis into Bag-level Relation Extraction
- SENT: Sentence-level Distant Relation Extraction via Negative Training
- Revisiting the Negative Data of Distantly Supervised Relation Extraction
- Joint Biomedical Entity and Relation Extraction with Knowledge-Enhanced Collective Inference
- UniRE: A Unified Label Space for Entity Relation Extraction
- PRGC: Potential Relation and Global Correspondence Based Joint Relational Triple Extraction
- Dependency-driven Relation Extraction with Attentive Graph Convolutional Networks
- CoRI: Collective Relation Integration with Data Augmentation for Open Information Extraction
- Element Intervention for Open Relation Extraction
- Capturing Event Argument Interaction via A Bi-Directional Entity-Level Recurrent Decoder
- Verb Knowledge Injection for Multilingual Event Processing
- OntoED: Low-resource Event Detection with Ontology Embedding
- Document-level Event Extraction via Heterogeneous Graph-based Interaction Model with a Tracker
- LearnDA: Learnable Knowledge-Guided Data Augmentation for Event Causality Identification
- MLBiNet: A Cross-Sentence Collective Event Detection Network
- Unleash GPT-2 Power for Event Detection
- Document-Level Event Argument Extraction via Optimal
- Document-level Event Extraction via Parallel Prediction Networks
- Trigger is Not Sufficient: Exploiting Frame-aware Knowledge for Implicit Event Argument Extraction
- The Possible, the Plausible, and the Desirable: Event-Based Modality Detection for Language Processing
- Text2Event: Controllable Sequence-to-Structure Generation for End-to-end Event Extraction
- ERICA: Improving Entity and Relation Understanding for Pre-trained Language Models via Contrastive Learning
- CLEVE: Contrastive Pre-training for Event Extraction
参考链接:ACL-IJCNLP 2021